

时间:2023-03-19 06:21:52编辑:周老师



综述如下: 1、go bad:食物“坏掉”了,最简单的说法就是go bad(变坏)。 2、turn sour:除了go bad,如果想说牛奶或汤“酸掉”了,可以直接说turn sour。 3、spoil:spoil是动词,最常见的意思是“破坏、毁掉”,也可以指“食物变质、变坏”,例如the food spoils或是the food is spoilt。 4、stale:stale是形容词,指的是食物因为久放而变得“不新鲜”或是“走味”。像是面包、饼干这些食物,有时候不见得有发霉,但放久了就会变软、不好吃,就可以说go stale。 5、moldy:mold(英式为mould)是“霉菌”,moldy是mold的形容词,也就是“发霉的”。 6、musty/ fusty:musty和fusty都可以用来形容东西“有霉味”。 7、stale:stale是形容词,指的是食物因为久放而变得“不新鲜”或是“走味”。像是面包、饼干这些食物,有时候不见得有发霉,但放久了就会变软、不好吃,就可以说go stale。



deterioration 读音:英 [dɪˌtɪərɪəˈreɪʃən] 美 [dɪˈtɪriəˌreɪʃən] 意思:恶化,变坏;退化;堕落。 例句:The recent deterioration has been caused by an apparently endless recession 译文:看似永无止境的经济衰退导致了最近的恶化。 组词:oxidative deterioration 氧化变质;wood deterioration 木材变质;microbiological deterioration 微生物降解 扩展资料: 变质“deterioration”的近义词: 1、rotten 读音:英 [ˈrɒtn] 美 [ˈrɑːtn] 意思:腐烂的;腐败的;腐朽的;非常糟糕的;恶劣的;不诚实的;很大程度上;非常。 例句:One smell of the rotten meat was enough! 译文:这腐烂的肉闻一下就够受的了。 2、corrupt 读音:英 [kəˈrʌpt] 美 [kəˈrʌpt] 意思:腐败的;堕落的;讹误的;贿赂;使恶化;使腐烂;腐败;腐烂。 例句:She wrote a book declaiming against our corrupt society. 译文:她写了一本书抨击我们这腐败的社会。


Raw food/ Raw meals。 词汇分析: 1、raw 英 [rɔː] 美 [rɔː] adj.生的;未烹制的;未煮的;未经加工的;自然状态的;未经处理的;未经分析的;原始的 n.擦伤处 比较级: rawer 最高级: rawest 派生词: rawness n. 2、food 英 [fuːd] 美 [fuːd] n.食物;(某种)食物 复数: foods 扩展资料: 反义词:Cooked Food 词汇分析: Cooked 英 [kʊkt] 美 [kʊkt] 熟的;煮熟;夹生;煮熟的 Use separate chopping boards for raw meats, cooked meats, vegetables and salads 切生肉、熟肉、蔬菜和拌色拉的青菜时要使用不同的切菜板。


turn多接表示颜色的形容词,也接表示天气的形容词,它侧重变得与以前完全不同。如:The man turned blue with fear.The weather suddenly turned much colder.''get+adj.''是口语,用得广泛,get能替代become, become较正式,get与become前面的主语既可以是人又可以是物。如:He became(got) angry.His coat has become(got) badly torn.get较多地与形容词比较级连用。如:The days are getting longer and longer.注意:become一般不用于“将来成为”的意思。如:(误)I hope you will become well.(正)I hope you will get well.go和come是一对相反的词。''go+adj.''表示令人不快的事情,而''come+adj.''表示好的事情。如:In hot weather, meat goes bad.Things will come righ in the end.go与come前面的主语一般是物。如:误:She goes famous.正:She becomes(gets) famous.表语为mad,crazy(古怪的),blind, lame或表示颜色的词,go前面的主语可以是人。如:He went mad.Hearing this, she went red.2. become, turn, get, go, fall能用名词作表语,其它的则不能。如:His dream has become(got) a reality.He has turned scientist.He has gone socialist.He fell(a) victim to cancer.注意:go, turn后面的名词通常不带冠词。3. become, get, grow能接过去分词,并且come和go多接有否定前缀的过去分词。“get+过去分词”表示一次行为;“become+过去分词”表示事情发生的最后结果。如:The string comes untied.His report went unnoticed.The fence gets white---washed every year.She became engaged as a typist.4. get, go, come能接现在分词,不过它们已失去“成为”的意思。如:They went in and got chatting together.(开始)We often go swimming.(去)He came running in(来) 3 become,get,go,grow,run,turn都可以表示状态的变化,但要注意下面的几点:
1.指人的情绪或身体状态的变化,多用become与get,两者可以互换。1)Hearing what he said,the teacher got/became angry.听到他所说的话,老师生气了。2)I hope you will get well soon.我希望你不久能痊愈。2.become,get也用于天气、社会的发展变化,两者可以互换。1)Our country is getting/becoming stronger and stronger.我们的国家日益强大。2)It's becoming/getting colder and colder.天变得越来越冷。3.指人的身体、精神或事物向不好的方面变化时,多用go,所以它后面的形容词常常是表示消极意义的。1)Something has gone wrong with the machine.机器出了毛病。2)The meat has gone bad in such hot weather.在如此热的天气,肉坏了。on hearing the news of the accident in the local mine, she ____pale.A. got B. changed C. went D. appearedgo mad go bad go crazychang clolour chang from red to green change into4.指颜色的变化时,多用turn.1)The leaves turn yellow in autumn.秋天树叶变黄了。2)When she saw this,she turned red.看到这个,她的脸红了。5.become与turn都可以接名词,become后的名词前有冠词,turn后的名词无冠词且常用单数。1)She became a lawyer.她成了一名律师。2)He used to be a teacher till he turned writer.成为作家之前他是一名教师。注意:He became chairman of the party.他成了这一党派的主席。在此句话中,chairman前无冠词,因为它是一个表示职位的名词。如果一个职位在一定时期内由一个人担任时,这个表示职位的名词做表语、宾补和同位语时,常不用冠词。例如:1)He was president of the Republic at that time.2)We elected him monitor of our class.3)Mr.Hunter,captain of the team,loves playing football这几个词用作连系动词时,都可以表示“变成”的意思,但具体用法有所不同。 become通常不用来表示未来的事,而表示变化过程已经完成,用法比较正式。如:I became ill.我病倒了。get也表示变化的过程已经完成,比become口语化,通常与形容词连用。如:He has got rich.他变富了。go与get用法差不多,特别用于某些成语中。如:go bad变坏,go blind变瞎,go hungry挨饿。be表示“成为”的意思时,多用于将来时、祈使语气或不定式。如:He will be a scientist.他将成为一名科学家。I would like to be a bus-driver.我想成为一名公共汽车司机。grow表示“逐渐变成新的状态”的含义。如:My younger brother is growing tall.我的弟弟渐渐长高了。turn有“成为与以前完全不同的东西”的含义。如:the milk turned sour.牛奶变酸了。


get 作“变成”解时,有“渐渐变得......起来”的意思,其后可跟形容词、分词、介词短语或不定式作表语,间或跟名词。例如:

The weather gets warmer, and the days get longer.

I'll water them to stop the soil getting too dry.

As we get old, we find it more and more difficult to see, to hear…and to climb the stairs.

He could not wash himself or get dressed.

I didn't know she was getting married.

I don't like sports in which people easily get hurt.

I got to know him in 1990. 我是1990年认识他的。

Soon they got to be good friends. 不久他们就成了好朋友。

We got talking, and did not notice the time. 我们谈了起来,时间过去了也没注意到。

If you want to be there in time, you’d better get going. 你要是想准时到,最好就动身。

He was getting an old man. 他已经是一个老头子了。

become 作“变成”解时,指“变成好或坏的情况”,其后可跟形容词、名词、过去分词作表语。例如:

Our country is becoming stronger and stronger.

I'd like to study medicine and become a doctor.

When this soil is destroyed, the forest land will become sand again.

When did you become well-known as a cartoon-maker?

Even before he was ten, he became very interested in science.

He became so angry that he couldn’t speak.

turn 作“变成”解时,表示“转变成与原来不同的色彩或品质”强调其新的变化。其后可跟形容词作表语,间或跟不带冠词的名词。例如:

The trees turn green, and the flowers start to come out in spring.

Everything turned all right.

After they were graduated from the teachers' college, they turned teacher.

After he was graduated from the teachers' college, he turned teacher.

grow 作“变成”解时,表示“渐渐变得......起来;长得”。强调其变化过程,其后跟形容词、分词作表语,间或跟介词短语或不定式。例如:

In fact they grow better if you feed them.

You have grown so tall. 你都长得这么高了。

He grew excited, and red-eared, and a little nervous. 他激动起来,耳根都涨红了,也有一点儿紧张。

They have already grown used to that kind of work. 干这种工作他们已经习惯了。

In this way they grew from weak to strong. 就这样他们变得有弱到强。

You'll grow to like the place. 你慢慢会喜欢这地方的。

go 作“变成”解时,通常指“由好变坏”的情况,常跟表示贬义的跟形容词作表语,间或跟过去分词、介词短语或名词。例如:

Tomatoes went bad in the soil.

One question is why these telephones keep going wrong.

Mrs. Cousins held her breath, and her whole body went cold.

Her hair is going grey. 她头发变得花白了。

The equipment has gone out of date. 设备过时了。

come 作“变成”解时,表示“变成为已知的状态;证实为”其后常跟形容词或一个带有un 前缀的过去分词作表语。例如:

Wrong never come right. 错的不能变成对的。

I've always dreamt of coming to China, and now my dream has come true.

I wish my dream would come true.

The string came untied.

Your shoe laces have come undone. 你的鞋带散了。

小结:通常用作表语的有两种词语:既具有形容词性质的词语和具有名词性质的词语。以上六个词的共同特点是都可跟形容词性质的词语作表语。除了become 常跟名词性质的作表语外,其它词一般不能,或很少跟名词性质的词作表语。


七十二变为《西游记》中孙悟空的本领。 通幽、驱神、担山、禁水、借风、布雾、祈晴、祷雨、坐火、入水、掩日、御风、煮石、吐焰、吞刀、壶天、神行、履水、杖解、分身、隐形、续头、定身、斩妖、请仙、追魂、摄魄、招云、取月、搬运、嫁梦、支离、寄杖、断流、禳灾、解厄、黄白。 剑术、射覆、土行、星数、布阵、假形、喷化、指化、尸解、移景、招来、迩去、聚兽、调禽、气禁、大力、透石、生光、障服、导引、服食、开壁、跃岩、萌头、登抄、喝水、卧雪、暴日、弄丸、符水、医药、知时、识地、辟谷、魇祷。火眼金睛。法相天地。筋斗云。此乃七十二变也。 扩展资料《西游记》中孙悟空虽然从须菩提祖师处学会了长生不老之术,但是只有躲过“三灾”,才能永生!“三灾”为--天雷劈、阴火烧、赑风吹,在悟空的苦苦哀求下,须菩提老祖终传之躲避法术。书中菩提祖师向他介绍说,法术分按天罡数的三十六变和按地煞数的七十二变。 参考资料七十二变(神魔小说中的法术名称)百度百科


