

时间:2023-03-27 13:33:43编辑:周老师



APP名字:Metro大都会,使用方法:绑定银行卡/支付宝。进出都刷二维码。结束后自动在你绑定的账户中扣款。 2018年1月20日起,上海地铁全网络将试行基于Metro大都会APP的“地铁快付”系统刷码进出闸机。乘客只需下载并打开“Metro大都会”APP,在标有“刷码过闸”或“本闸机支持保通卡和刷码过闸”字样的闸机上扫描二维码即可直接进出站。现阶段,支持的支付方式包括支付宝和银联,下阶段还将继续引入其他支付手段,进一步方便市民乘客。 metro大都会app是上海地铁推出的一款手机刷码过闸软件,用户在乘坐地铁时候无需排队购买车票,只需使用手机一扫即可完成进出站操作,大大提高了安检的效率。metro大都会app采用自制二维码策略,所以乘车信息全部保密,大家无需担心资金以及手机隐私被泄漏的隐患。 metro大都会app目前仅针对上海地铁全网开放使用,正式稳定后会在全国范围内实行,方便上班族、学生党乘坐地铁出行的时候免去排队找零的时间,体验更加快速高效的地铁服务。



上海做APP软件开发做的比较好的有?   这个问题问的非常好。现在互联网发展的很快,很多人都想做个app,但是又苦于没有自己的团队,这个时候只好找第三方的APP外包公司了,如此我们就会考虑到一个问题,就是做app开发要选择哪家外包公司,哪家更靠谱些呢?   上海好的app开发公司有哪些 1 华盛恒辉软件开发公司   2京五木恒润科技有限公司   3 平步科技有限公司   4 航天信息股份有限公司   5 北电网络nortel   6 北京朗新   7 北京科思诚科技有限公司   我觉得选择app外包公司,可以从以下几个方面来参考:   1.公司的实力,一家正规的外包公司,他的员工岗位的配置一定是齐全的,各司其职。正规的app外包公司员工配置如下:市场人员、UI(美工)、产经理、开发人员(前端、后端/IOS和安卓开发人员)、测试人员、项目经理。   2.公司的开发案例,一家优秀的APP外包公司肯定是做过很多大大小小的案例,做过很多的不同行业的app案例,如果你在考察公司的时候看到了他们有   很多的不同案例,说明这家公司的开发实力还是非常不错的。   3.APP开发的交付时间,一般app开发交付时间为2-3月左右,功能复杂的也会有半年左右,一个能够准时交付项目的app外包公司,绝对是值得信赖的。   4.售后服务,app开发不同于其他的产品,因为APP开发出来之后,会时刻涉及到产品的升级和维护,所以这个也是考察APP外包公司的重要指标,正规的app外包公司都是有售后维护


生活就是相信一切都是最好的安排。 生活是接受现状,在现状里活出最好的状态。 生活是有规律的,有节奏地。 生活也是有风雨,也有晴朗的。 生活,也是不完美的! 下午天晴了,推着弟弟去幼儿园接哥哥。走在路上,他时不时会扭过头,甜甜地叫一声“妈咪!”。他会指给我看,“鸟!鸟!”“花花,花花…!”“卡车…卡车!”这个世界在他快乐的瞳孔里是如此精彩。见到哥哥的那个瞬间也是非常欢快的,有时候他们会头碰头,或者拥抱。 带着弟弟接送哥哥的日子,将会是我们很美好的一段记忆。去接受现状,在现状里活出最好的状态,是我的选择。 哥哥直接去小朋友家玩去了,硬是嚷着要去啊,我就带着弟弟回家。煲一个龙骨胡萝卜汤,一个菠萝熏肉炒饭,我称这顿饭是“橙黄派对”。做好了饭,再去接哥哥回家吃饭。吃完饭再到楼下的滑滑梯玩一会儿,然后回家洗澡,看书,睡觉。 每天,极为节奏的生活。 睡前,哥哥也会给我讲幼儿园的事情。 “妈妈,我们幼儿园今天来了一个狗屁大尿便。” “哦?” “是一个外国人,来参观我们幼儿园。还有一个小男孩。” “本来外国没有女孩的,对么 ?” “外国也有女孩的。” 爸爸还没有回家,两个孩子已经睡着了。 妈妈的“夜生活”开始,这是一段难得的属于自己的时光。 平平淡淡才是真,这就是生活!




湖北省宜都市西湖中学 黄良全

( 时限:120分钟 总分:120分)



一、听音选图:根据所听到的对话内容, 选择与之对应的图画,听对话之前你有5秒钟的读题时间;听完对话后你有3秒钟的答题时间。(听两遍)(5分)


6. A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn't. C. Yes, he is.

7. A. She is my mother. B. Yes, I am. C. No, I'm not.

8. A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I can. C. No, I'm not.

9. A. Yes, it is. B. It's a car. C. It's Chinese.

10. A. Nine. B. Ten. C. Eleven.


11. A. Nancy likes French fries.

B. Nancy doesn't like French fries.

C. Nancy likes ice cream.

D. Nancy doesn't like ice cream.

12. A. It's a photo of Mary's father and mother.

B. It's a photo of Mary's grandfather and grandmother.

C. It's a photo of Mary's brothers.

D. It's a photo of Mary's sisters.

13. A. Rose has a short ruler.

B. Rose has a long ruler.

C. The boy has a long ruler.

D. Rose doesn't have a long ruler.

14. A. Alice is under the table.

B. The cap is on the table.

C. The cap is under the table.

D. Alice has a cap.

15. A. Amy likes to play basketball.

B. Amy likes to play soccer.

C. Amy doesn't like to play basketball.

D. Amy doesn't like to play soccer.


16. Is Tang Lin a Chinese boy?

A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isn't. C. Yes, she is.

17. How old is Jim?

A. 12. B. 11. C. 10.

18. Which school is Jim in?

A. No.4 Middle School. B. No.14 Middle School. C. No.13 Middle School.

19. Who is Miss Wei?

A. She is an English teacher.

B. She is a Chinese teacher.

C. She is a good English teacher.

20. Which class is Li lei in?

A. Class One. B. Class Two. C. Class Three.



1. --- Where's my book, please?

--- ________, I don' t know.

A. Sorry B. Thanks C. No D. Excuse me

2. --- Your pictures are very nice.

--- ___________.

A. You are right B. Thank you C. You are OK D. That's OK

3. --- Where is my soccer ball?

--- It' s ______ the table ______the floor.

A. on, under B. on, on C. under, under D. under, on

4. “I” ________ a word (单词) and a letter (字母).

A. be B. is C. am D. are

5. --- What about playing basketball after class?

--- ______________.

A. Thank you B. That's all right C. Sounds great D. Yes, it's boring

6. I like _______ because they're funny.

A. comedy B. the comedy

C. a comedy D. comedies

7. --- Are these your English books?

--- Yes, ________.

A. they're B. they are C. these are D. they're not

8. Can you_______ a key to school______me?

A. take, to B. need, to C. bring, for D. give, for

9. My mother likes volleyball. She thinks (认为) it is _______.

A. fun B. boring C. difficult D. hard

10. Mary likes sports very much and she plays sports _______.

A. everyday B. an every day C. every day D. every days

11. Let's _______ together.

A. play tennis B. play the tennis C. to play tennis D. to play the tennis

12. --- Does Tom _______ an eraser?

--- No. He ______have one.

A. have, don't B. have, doesn't C. has, don't D. has, doesn't

13. Sue ______ sports every day.

A. play B. playing C. plays D. to play

14. The picture is the wall.

A. on B. in C. at D. to

15. The ruler on the bed. It’s on the floor.

A .is B. are C. not D. isn't

16. --- Can you spell your name, please?

--- Yes, I .

A. do B. can C. can't D. am

17. Beth isn't my sister. my cousin.

A. His B. Her C. She's D. He's

18. --- Is this your bike?

--- No, . It's bike.

A. this isn't, Li Lei's B. this is, Li Lei's

C. it isn't, Li Lei's D. it is, Li Lei's

19. --- Bob, is this jacket?

--- Yes, is yellow.

A. you, it B. your, it C. your, its D. his, its

20. --- Is Gina Miller your friend?

--- Yes, .

A. it is B. he is C. you are D. she is


21. Bob is my friend. His t number is 398-9293.

22. Kate doesn't play basketball. She only w them on TV.

23. Boys and girls, please look up (查阅) this word in your d .

24. Volleyball is so d . I can't play it.

25. Work in pairs. Practice (练习) the four c with your partners.


26. Jim plays soccer after school. (改为否定句)

Jim __________ ___________ soccer after school.

27. The students are at school. (对画线部分提问)

_______ _______ the students?

28. Those are his sisters. (改为单数句)

_____ _____ his _______.

29. He has a very nice watch.(改为一般疑问句)

he a very nice watch?

30. Here is my family photo. (改写同义句)

Here is photo .

31. We play volleyball. (用Let's引导句型)



A: Let's play basketball, Jenny.

B: Sorry.(32)_____ I just like computer games.

A: Do you have a computer game?


A: Does your sister have a computer game?


A: OK. Why don't we have something to eat first and then play computer games together?

B: Good idea!

A: What do you like to eat?



B: She likes ice cream best.


This is our classroom. 37 a big room. There are some pictures on the 38 . I sit 39 the window. There 40 forty small desks and chairs in 41 room. The desks and chairs 42 new. This is my desk. There 43 an English book and a pencil case on 44 . There are some pencils, a pen 45 a ruler in 46 .

37. A. This is B. These are C. It's D. Its

38. A. walls B. chairs C. desks D. floor

39. A. in B. from C. under D. next to

40. A. have B. has C. are D. is

41. A. a B. one C. that D. the

42. A. are all B. all are C. are too D. too are

43. A. is B. are C. has D. have

44. A. this B. that C. desk D. it

45. A. or B. and C. with D. but

46. A. them B. it C. that D. the pencil case

六. 阅读理解。 (20分)


We have two new students in our school. They are Mike and Kate. They look the same, but they are not twins.

Kate is American. She's twelve. She is in Class Four. She has a little sister. She often looks after (照顾) her.

Mike is English. He is twelve, too. He is in Class One. He likes football. Mike and Kate are good friends. They are both in No. 20 Middle School.

47. Kate is .

A. Japanese B. Chinese C. English D. American

48. Mike Kate.

A. looks like B. looks after C. looks at D .looks

49. Kate and Mike are in .

A. the same class B. different classes

C. different schools D. different grades

50. Mike likes .

A. bird B. cat C. football D. basketball

51. Which is right?

A. Kate is thirteen.

B. Kate and Mike are good friends.

C. Mike often looks after his little sister.

D. Kate and Mike are twins.


Sonia Hall is a schoolgirl. She doesn't like math. She thinks it is difficult and boring. But she likes sports very much. There are many sports clubs in her school. She joins the basketball club, the soccer club, the baseball club, and more. She thinks it is very interesting to play all kinds of ball games. Sonia also thinks it is fun to collect sports things. She has a great sports collection. She has five baseballs, eight basketballs, four tennis rackets, and three soccer balls. She plays sports every day. She also likes watching matches (比赛) on TV.

She wants to be a sportswoman in the future (将来).

52. Sonia likes ________, but she doesn't like __________.

53. She has a ________ sports collection.

54. She often watches ________ on TV.

55. She thinks is more difficult than(比……更难)sports.

七、书面表达。 ( 15分)





时量:120分钟 总分:120分

I. 找出划线部分读音与其它三个不同的选项:(每题1分,共5分)

( )1. A. whose B. hello C. zero D. over

( )2. A. book B. good C. foot D. room

( )3. A. yes B. nose C. sit D. bus

( )4. A. where B. there C. here D. chair

( )5. A. Japanese B. parrot C. woman D. man

II. 找出不属于同一范畴的选项:(每题1分,共5分)

( )1. A. English B. China C. Japanese D. American

( )2. A. bike B. car C. bus D. cow

( )3. A. yours B. mine C. our D. theirs

( )4. A. picture B. salesgirl C. friend D. student

( )5. A. coat B. pen C. cap D. skirt

III. 英汉互译:(每题1分,共10分)

1. on the floor ______ 2. look after ______

3. in black ____________ 4. over there _______

5. by the way _______ 6. 看上去像__________

7. 没有,用完 _______ 8.去购物_______

9. 追求,追逐____________ 10. 在树下_____________

IV. 根据要求写单词:(每题1分,共10分)

1. same(反义词)__________ 2. right(反义词)__________

3. long(反义词)____________ 4. new(反义词)__________

5. bus(复数)___________ 6. pencil –box (复数)________

7. toy (复数)___________ 8. foot (复数)___________

9. Jim (所有格)___________ 10. I am (缩略词)________________

V. 选择填空:(每题1分,共20分)

1. Thanks______ the photo______ your family.

A. of; for B. of; of C. for; of D. for; for

2. —Are those your color pencils? —Yes,____________.

A. those are B. they are

C. it is D. there are

3. I have_______ orange. _______orange is on______ desk.

A. a;A;a B. an;An;the

C. an;The;the D. the; An; a

4. This is not______ coat. ______is red.

A. Kate’s;Hers B. Kate’s;hers

C. Kate;Hers D. Kate’s; her

5. —Can you see the picture? —Sorry,______________.

A. I don’t B. I am not C. I’m not D. I can’t

6. He’s tall_______ a thin face.

A. has B. have C. in D. with

7. Please write down the number 365 in English.

A. Three hundreds and sixty-five

B. Three hundred and sixty-five

C. Three hundred sixty-five

D. Three hundred and sixty five

8. —____________________—I’m eleven.

A. How do you do?

B. How are you?

C. How old are you?

D. What’s your name?

9. Today we have two new students. Please___________________.

A. look after them

B. look them after

C. look after her

D. look after him

10. —Is she at work or at home? —_____________________.

A. Yes, she is B. No, she isn’t

C. She’s over there D. She’s at home

11. Color the desk_______, please.

A. a red B. red C. red one D. red color

12. —What’s your________ ? —It’s 76545666.

A. name B. ate C. phone D. family

13. These are Mary’s shoes. Give them to_______.

A. she B. her C. hers D. it

14. The boy_______ the yellow sweater is my brother.

A. in B. of C. on D. to

15. The caps on sale_______ orange.

A. is B. is an C. are D. are an

16. —___________________do you have? —Twenty.

A. How much pens B. How many pens

C. What color D. What about pens

17. ________! There are some nice_____ _____the tree.

A. Look; apples; in B. Look; apple; in

C. Look; apples; on D. See; apples; on

18. It’s late. I must_____________ now.

A. go home B. go to home C. go school D. go to there

19. —Thank you very much. —__________________.

A. That is right B. Yes, all right

C. That’s all right D. Don’t thank me

20. —How many___________ do you want? —Two cups, please.

A. cups tea B. cup of tea C. cups of teas D. cups of tea

VI. 根据要求完成句子:(每空1分,共10分)

1. Do you have a big mouth? (变否定回答)

No, I ________.

2. May I have your name? (改为同义句)

________ ________ name?

3. She is my friend. (对划线部分提问)

________ friend is ________?

4. The black bike is his. (改为复数)

The black _______ _______ _______.

5. Open the door, please. (改为否定句)

_________ ________ the door, please.

VII. 补全对话,每空只能填写一个词:(每空1分,共10分)

( J—Jim; H—Ham Meimei; G—Miss Gao)

H: Hello, Jim. 1 are you?

J: Hi, Meimei. I’m fine. 2 .

H: What 3 the time?

J: Let 4 see. It’s five o’clock. Where is 5 watch?

H: I 6 find it. Can you see it?

J: Sorry, I can’t.

G: Whose is this 7 ?

J: Miss Gao, I think 8 Han Meimei’s.

G: Meimei,is it 9 ?

H: Oh,yes,it’s mine.

G: You must 10 after your watch.

H: Thank you, Miss Gao.

VIII. 完型填空:(每题1分,共10分)

_____1_____five o’clock in the afternoon. School is over. ___2___the school gate. Li Ping___3___Zhang Hong. They are not in the same class.

Li Ping: 4 , Zhang Hong. I’m going home . Are you 5 , too ?

Zhang Hong: No, I’m not going home. I’m going to Wei Fang’s home.

Li Ping: What’s wrong 6 her ?

Zhang Hong: She is ill. She doesn’t come to school today. I must go_____7____help her___8____her___9___ .

Li Ping: Oh, I see. Good-bye.

Zhang Hong: 10 .

Notes: ill 生病的 see 明白

1. A. it B. They C. It D. It’s

2. A. At B. In C. On D. Out

3. A. welcomes B. meets C. watches D. looks

4. A. Good morning B. Good evening C. Good afternoon D. Good-bye

5. A. going home B. go home C. getting home D. get home

6. A. for B. to C. in D. with

7. A. to B. for C. in D. with

8. A. for B. to C. in D. with

9. A. meal B. drink C. lessons D. games

10. A. I’m glad to see you B. Nice to meet you

C. Goodbye D. I’m at home

IX. 阅读理解:(每题2分,共20分)


My name is Jane. I’m from (来自于) the USA. I’m thirteen. I’m in No. 2 Middle School. My father is a worker (工人) and my mother is a worker, too. They are in the same factory (工厂). My brother’s name is Jack. He is fifteen. He is in No. 2 Middle School, too. But we are not in the same grade. He is in Grade Three and I’m in GradeTwo.

( )1. Jane is an English girl.

( )2. Her father is a doctor and her mother is a worker.

( )3. Her brother is fifteen.

( )4. Jack is in No. 1 Middle School.

( )5. Jack is in Grade Two.


My name is Linda. I’m in Class 4, Grade 2. I’m in Row 3. Kate is my friend. She is in my class, too. She is in Row 1. My father has a beautiful car. The number is 0479685. And her father has a beautiful car, too. The number is 0—double 4—7--double 9—5. She often drives the car to my home. We are good friends. We are both fifteen.

1. What is Linda?

A. She is Kate’s good friend. B. She has a beautiful car.

C. She is a girl. D. She is an English girl.

2. What row is Linda in?

A. She is in Row 4. B. She is in Row 2.

C. She is in Row 1. D. She is in Row 3.

3. What is the number of Kate’s father’s car?

A. It’s 0478685. B. It’s 03214312.

C. It’s 203214312. D. It’s 0447995.

4. How old is Linda?

A. She is fifteen. B. Sorry, I don’t know

C. She is five. D. She is twelve.

5. What’s number of Linda’s father’s car?

A. It’s zero, three , two, one, four, three, one, two.

B. It’s zero, six, four, two, eight, six, two, four.

C. It’s zero, four, seven, nine, six, eight, five.

D. It’s zero, two, three, four, one, three, one, two.

IIV. 书面表达:根据以下四个ID卡情况写一段话,开头已经给出,词数50字左右。(共20分)


Li Bin

Li Ling

Sun Liping

Zhao Qiang















ice cream

Li Bin, Li Ling, Sun Liping and Zhao Qiang are my friends.






I. 1——5 ADBCC

II. 1——5 BDCAB

III. 1. 在地板上 2. 照顾,照看 3. 穿黑衣服

4. 在那边 5. 顺便说(问) 6. look like

7. be out of 8. go shopping 9. run after 10. under the tree

IV. 1. different 2. wrong 3. short 4. old 5. buses

6. pencil-boxes 7. toys 8. feet 9. Jim’s 10. I’m

V. 1——5 CBCAD 6——10 DBCAD

11——15 BCBAC 16——20 BCACD

VI. 1. haven’t 2. What’s your 3. Whose she

4. bikes are theirs 5. Don’t open

VII. 1. How 2. Thanks 3. is 4. me 5. your

6. can’t 7. watch 8. it’s 9. yours 10. look

VIII. 1——5 DABCA 6——10 DADCC

IX. (A)1. B 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. B

(B)1——5 ADDAC

IIV. Li Bin, Li Ling, Sun Liping and Zhao Qiang are my friends. Li Bin is 13 years old and he is in Class 2. He likes football. Li Ling, Sun Liping and Zhao Qiang are all 12 years old. Sun Liping and Zhao Qiang are both in Class 3. Li Ling likes singing. Sun Liping likes dacing and Zhao Qiang likes ice cream






